Catchup: In the Body Movers humorous mystery series, an Atlanta woman who works for Neiman Marcus by day is pulled into moving bodies from crime scenes by night by her lovable slacker brother whom she raised after their parents abandoned them when their father was indicted for a white-collar crime.
Question: What books are included in the Body Movers series?
Party Crashers (Full-Length Prequel)
Body Movers
2 Bodies For The Price Of 1
3 Men And A Body
4 Bodies And A Funeral
5 Bodies To Die For
6 Killer Bodies
6 ½ Body Parts (Novella)
7 Brides For 7 Bodies
8 Bodies Is Enough
9 Bodies Rolling
10 Bodies Lying
11 Bodies Moving On
12 Bodies and a Wedding
Question: Do the Body Movers books have to be read in order?
It’s probably best that new readers at least start with BODY MOVERS and move forward. I doubt the 6 ½ BODY PARTS novella would be as enjoyable for someone who isn’t familiar with Carlotta’s world. But it’s okay to backtrack to PARTY CRASHERS to see what Carlotta Wren was like before she was scared straight!
Question: Are the Body Movers books available for all ebook devices?
Yes, the books listed above are available for Kindle, Nook, Kobo, iTunes, and Google Play. And all future Body Movers books will be available for all ebook devices, as long as the individual online book retailers continue to play nice with self-published authors. ????
Question: Are the Body Movers books available in print and audio?
Most of the books listed above are available in print and audio; if they’re not available now, they will be very soon. And all future stories in the series will be available in ebook, print, and audio. See buy links for all available formats on the individual book pages.
Question: Who is Carlotta going to pick—Peter, Jack or Coop?
She won't tell me.
Question: Will Wesley ever grow up and start making good decisions?
Probably not.
Question: Is Body Movers going to be made into a TV series?
Sigh… Hollywood is such a crapshoot. Body Movers was optioned by Sony Television for the amazing late Laura Ziskin, who is famous for the Spiderman movies and (to me) for co-founding the Stand Up to Cancer organization. After many delays, a pilot script was written and briefly shopped, but there were no network takers. Soon afterward, Laura Ziskin lost her long-time battle with cancer, and Sony lost interest in developing Body Movers. Since that time, another producer expressed interest in Body Movers, but coincidentally, was also connected to Sony, which wasn’t interested in renewing the project (even though they own a finished pilot script). It’s maddening. But I’m ever hopeful that someday, the books will wind up in the right hands. I think the sister-brother duo and Carlotta’s love quadrangle would make such a fun TV series!
Question: Do you have more books planned for the BODY MOVERS series?
As of now, book 12 is the last book in the series and provides an ending to everyone's story... but I never say never!
Question: When will the next book in the BODY MOVERS series be released?
I generally announce book release dates about 2 months ahead of time. I send notifications for ALL my book releases to readers who sign up for my email list. And I’ll post release dates here on my website and through social media.
Catchup: Two estranged sisters (whose last name is Guy) find themselves husband-less and broke and impulsively decide to take on a faltering P.I. agency in a strip mall.
Question: What books are included in the TWO GUYS DETECTIVE AGENCY series?
THIRD TIME'S A CHARM (coming soon)
Question: When will book 3 in the TWO GUYS DETECTIVE AGENCY series be released?
Spring of 2025. Be sure to sign up for my email list to receive book notices.
Question: Is TWO GUYS DETECTIVE AGENCY being made into a TV series?
Sigh… Hollywood is such a crapshoot—wait, did I say that already? TWO GUYS was optioned for TV series development by a reputable studio that won it in a bidding war (very exciting), and then…totally dropped the ball/lost interest/entered the witness protection program. The option has since expired and is being shopped again by my amazing film agent. Hopefully, it will find a home where things will actually happen! I’m hoping a producer will fall in love with the sister-sister Odd Couple dynamic.
Catchup: In the Southern Roads books, three ex-military brothers set out to rebuild their hometown in the Georgia mountains that was destroyed ten years ago by an F-5 tornado. Their plan is bumping along fine until their army of men threaten mutiny over the lack of women. So the brothers place an ad in the newspaper of a northern town hit hard by the economy for “100 women with a pioneering spirit looking for a fresh start.” And they wait.
Question: What books are included in the Southern Roads series?
Baby, I’m Yours (prequel e-novella)
Baby, Drive South
Baby, Come Home
Baby, Don’t Go
Baby, I’m Back (e-short story)
Baby, Hold On (e-novella)
Baby, It’s You (e-novella)
Question: Are the Southern Roads stories available in print and audio?
The three full-length books BABY, DRIVE SOUTH; BABY, COME HOME; and BABY, DON’T GO are available in audio and in print from some retailers. Check the buy links on the individual book pages. The two novellas and the short story are available only as ebooks.
Question: Do the Southern Roads books have to be read in order?
Ideally, yes, because they follow a chronological timeline.
Question: Do you have more books planned for the Southern Roads series?
Yes! I have a book planned for a woman who moves to Sweetness to open a Christmas-year-around store. And maybe others…especially if this series is optioned for TV—yes, there’s interest! (But sigh…did I mention that Hollywood is a crapshoot?)
Catchup: Welcome to the town of Mojo, Louisiana, infamous for its Instruments of Death and Voodoo Museum. The small town is populated with colorful characters, all of whom have secrets. And when voodoo dolls begin to appear, followed by untimely deaths, those secrets begin to spill…
Question: What books are included in the Voodoo in Mojo series?
In Deep Voodoo
Voodoo Or Die (previously titled Finding Your Mojo)
Voodoo Diaries
Voodoo You Love? (coming soon!)
Question: Are the Voodoo in Mojo books available in print and audio?
Yes! See buy links for all available formats on the individual book pages.
Question: Do you plan to release more books in the Voodoo in Mojo series?
Yes! I originally planned 4 books in the series but HarperCollins axed the series after only 2 books. (You’d think they’d be more discerning when dealing with an author familiar with voodoo, but no.) I got the rights back to the books, updated them (and changed the title of book 2 back to my original title, thankyouverymuch), and self-published the versions that are available now. Actually, I’ll be releasing THREE installments in the voodoo series in the near future—Sheena’s story (if you can believe it), Marie’s story, and a Christmas novella. Stay tuned!
Question: In the back of my old print copy of FINDING YOUR MOJO, a contest was mentioned for naming the black cat—what is its name?
The name selected from all submitted entries was Gris-gris (pronounced gree-gree), which means “talisman or charm.”
Question: Are you and Janet Evanovich the same person?
Made me laugh, but no. And I’m flattered—Janet is a superstar author. Her books and mine often come up together in search engines because her most popular character is named Stephanie and works for a bail “bond” agency. And because our mysteries have a similar tone, we’re often grouped together in “if you like this author, you might like that author” lists. (Also, Janet’s niece is named Stephanie and she’s writing now, which makes for more name confusion!) But I assure you, Janet and I are not the same person, nor are we related, nor do we ghost-write for each other.
Question: Are all your ebooks available for all devices?
The online book retail landscape continues to be in flux. Different retail platforms offer different opportunities and present different obstacles for self-published authors, and I expect that to continue as the fight to distribute original content heats up. At any given time, some of my self-published ebooks will be exclusive to Amazon, and some will be available for all devices at all online retailers. I will try to keep the BUY links on my website updated accordingly.
Question: In the back of my print copy of KILL THE COMPETITION, a contest is listed for “What was in the envelope?” that Belinda returned to her almost-husband Vince. Where can I find the answer?
Right here! It’s now included in the back of the ebook, by the way. If you haven’t yet read KILL THE COMPETITION, this is a spoiler–do not read! Otherwise, click here to find out “What was in the envelope?”
Question: Why do you have so many series that were ended prematurely?!
I’ve actually given this a lot of thought. ???? I had a really good run in traditional publishing–almost 15 years and 50+ books published at 4 different houses. Editors liked my longer “hybrid” books that were a blend of mystery, romance, and humor, so they bought my manuscripts with great enthusiasm…then floundered when it came to placement, meaning the finished books had to be shelved in one location in brick-and-mortar book stores. Because I’d already written several romances (without a mystery element), most publishing houses decided to slot my hybrid books in Romance. But the stories didn’t always have enough romance to satisfy hardcore romance readers…and mystery readers couldn’t find me because I wasn’t in the Mystery section. And sometimes the bookstore chain buyers would unilaterally decide where to place my books. I remember when one of my books was released, it was shelved in Romance in Borders, in Mysteries in Books-A-Million, and in General Fiction in Barnes & Noble. Even my loyal readers couldn’t find me! So eventually, publisher enthusiasm for a series would wane, and they would ask me to write something more easily slotted. Now that ebooks don’t have to be “shelved” in a particular section of an online bookstore, readers who like a blend of genres can more easily find my books, so I’m reaching a much wider audience. And now that I’m self-publishing, I can continue all my hybrid series that didn’t fit the marketing and sales model traditional publishers have to adhere to. Hooray!
Question: Are you as funny as your books?
Sadly, no. People who know me are gobsmacked when they learn I write comedy. But thanks for the nice thought.
Question: Why aren’t you writing faster?
Good question (Mom). After I made my decision to disengage from the bottleneck of traditional publishing, I had lots of projects that were in transition and others that had to be unraveled in terms of rights and licenses before I could proceed on my own. And nothing in publishing moves quickly. The last few years were consumed with business details and with trying to get current projects out in as many formats as possible. But I’m writing as fast as I can to get new stories out there for you. Thanks for your interest and continued support!