This isn't what she signed up for...

Hello.  My name is Josephine Vanguard.  Oh, you’ve heard of me?  Please… you can’t believe everything you hear, or everything you read, or even—now that AI is making videos—everything you see.

ANYWAY, to escape the scandal and to finish an important project, I decided to house-sit an older home in a place where no one knows my name. I was so looking forward to the solitude and the privacy.  But when I arrived, this city girl got more than I bargained for—sketchy utilities, chickens to feed… oh, and did I mention a graveyard to tend to?

A spooky graveyard with a storied past and a steady stream of quirky visitors—including one exasperating man in particular—to interrupt my concentration.  And there's one grave in the old cemetery that no one's willing to talk about...

This isn't what I signed up for.

With all the commotion, I don’t know how I’m going to finish this project hanging over my head, the one that’s meant to repair my reputation. If things don’t work out and I have to change my name, I guess you can call me GRAVEYARD GIRL.


The *FREE* GRAVEYARD GIRL daily serial kicks off Monday, July 1 and runs through December 31, 2024.
Beginning July 1, a new daily episode will be posted on this page at approximately 4am Eastern and display for 24 hours.
E-novellas of each month's episodes will be available exclusively from Amazon (and available through the Kindle Unlimited subscription) for readers who'd like to catch up or read ahead. (See links at the top and bottom of this page.) 

BODY MOVERS fans, you'll be happy to know that Jack Terry will make a meaningful appearance throughout GRAVEYARD GIRL to reveal more of his backstory.

Please send a link to this page to all your reader friends so you can follow along with GRAVEYARD GIRL together!

Click here to join the Serial Fans Facebook Group to discuss GRAVEYARD GIRL and my previous serials with other readers!

September 7, Saturday

The late summer sun beat down on the graveyard, but under the shade of the old oak trees, it was almost pleasant. I made my way through the headstones, carrying a jug of sweet tea, my eyes fixed on Sawyer's broad back as he worked.

He was crouched over a broken headstone. His skilled hands pieced it back together like a jigsaw puzzle, then he applied adhesive. I paused for a moment, admiring the play of muscles under his T-shirt that did funny things to my stomach.

"Brought you refreshments," I called out.

Sawyer looked up, a smile breaking across his face. "You're a lifesaver."

He wiped his hands on his jeans before accepting the jug. He indicated Serena's headstone. "It's nice of the detective you mentioned to offer to replace her headstone."

"He really cared about her."

"Everyone needs that," he murmured.

I wet my lips. "Sawyer, I need to ask you something."

He nodded. "Okay."

"Were you and Rose... involved?"

Sawyer was quiet for a long moment, his eyes fixed on the horizon. Finally, he sighed. "Not in the way you're thinking. Rose had feelings for me, but I couldn't reciprocate. She was like a sister to me." The pain in his voice was palpable.

"You feel guilty about her death, don't you?"

He nodded, his jaw clenching. "I think... I think she meant for me to find her. Here, in the graveyard. And on Valentine's Day, no less. It was her final message to me."

My heart ached for him. "Sawyer, that's not your fault. You can't control how someone else feels."

"Maybe not," he said. "But I can't help thinking if I'd done something differently, said something..."

I hesitated, then pressed on. "I've heard rumors that she was considered to be… special in the Wiccan community… a Grand Witch?  And… that she was murdered."

Sawyer's eyes flashed with sudden anger. "Don't tell me you believe that nonsense."

"I'm just repeating what I've heard."

He shook his head in frustration. "Rose wasn't a witch, grand or otherwise. She was a confused, vulnerable young woman who was manipulated by certain members of her family. They filled her head with all this magical garbage, trying to get control of the Whisper property."

The agent had told me the estate was in probate. "You really think they'd go that far?"

"You'd be surprised what people will do for land and money," Sawyer said bitterly. Then, as if realizing how worked up he'd gotten, he took a deep breath. "I'm sorry. It's a sore subject."

Eager to change the topic, I gestured toward the stones around us. "So, how's the restoration coming along?"

Sawyer's posture relaxed slightly. "Slow but steady. It'll take time, but we'll get there."

His use of "we" gave me a tiny thrill.

"What about you? How's the book coming along?"

Guilt twisted in my stomach. "It's... coming," I lied. "Just not as quickly as my editor would like."

Sawyer's eyebrow quirked up. "Uh-huh. Should I be worried that all this graveyard drama is distracting you from your dashing stone mason hero?"

Despite everything, I felt a blush creep up my cheeks. "Please. Nothing could distract me from my fictional hero—he's more perfect than real-life."

"Ouch." Sawyer clutched his chest in mock pain. "You wound me, madam."

For a moment, we stood there grinning at each other in fun. The air between us felt charged, full of possibility. It would be so easy to lean in, to close that gap...

"I should let you get back to work," I said quickly. "And I really do need to write. Deadlines wait for no woman."

Sawyer's expression flickered with something—disappointment?—before he nodded. "Sure. Thanks for the tea."

As I left the graveyard, I could feel his eyes on me. My heart raced, but whether from excitement or fear, I couldn't quite tell.

Maybe a little of both?  ~

A Note from the Author

To catch up or to read ahead:

Click here to buy the GRAVEYARD GIRL, part 1 of 6 novella (JULY's episodes)
Click here to buy the part 2 novella (AUGUST's episodes)
Click here to buy the part 3 novella (SEPTEMBER's episodes)
Click here to pre-order the part 4 novella (OCTOBER's episodes)